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1-5 of 5 results

  • Corruption and public spending on education and health

    Existing country and regional studies show that the effect of corruption on public spending on health and education is mixed. This letter reveals that the effect of corruption on health and education spending is significant and non-linear in a panel...

    Swaleheen, Mushfiq, Sami, Mohamed, Temimi, Akram


  • Corruption, grabbing and development

    All societies develop their own norms about what is fair behaviour and what is not. Violations of these norms, including acts of corruption, can collectively be described as forms of `grabbing'. This unique volume addresses how grabbing hinders...

    Søreide, Tina, Williams, Aled

    Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2014

  • Handbook of good human resource practices in the teaching profession

    The handbook draws upon experiences and good practices in a wide range of ILO member States, giving a large number of examples of good practice and lessons learned. The methods it outlines are intended to be applicable to all schools and education...

    International Labour Organisation

    Geneva, ILO, 2012

  • Approaches to teaching and learning about corruption in the health sector

    Training and education programmes which deal with the topic of corruption and health can help change the way people approach their jobs as public administrators or development agency workers, and increase transparency and accountability. This U4...

    Vian, Taryn

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2009

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