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1-5 of 5 results

  • Monitoring report from the second round of the 2014 National Matura Exam

    Noting the significance of the State Matura Exam, and bearing in mind the numerous remarks and complaints pertaining to its conduct in the previous years and in the first round of the exam this year, Internews Kosova and BIRN monitored this process...

    Internews Kosova

    Pristina, Internews Kosova, 2014

  • Managing corruption in higher education in Moldova

    The Ministry of Education and Youth (MET) has recently become more active in addressing academic corruption, and on January 18, 2007, an action plan to prevent and combat corruption in the education system was authorized in collaboration with the...

    Valentino, Vanessa


  • Ethics in education: the role of teacher codes

    As for any profession, the education profession follows certain general standards of practice (either implicit or explicit), such as equality of treatment and fulfilment of duties. Problems of ethics in teacher behaviour include a number of...

    Van Nuland, Shirley, Khandelwal, B.P., Biswal, K., Dewan, E.A., Bajracharya, H.R.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

  • Newspaper

    Établissement de détention 

    Royaume Uni


    John Crace - The Guardian

    Lorsque le General Teaching Council for England a été créé, il a eu toutes les peines du monde à garder les Teachers et les syndicats de son côté. Trois ans plus tard, John Crace s'interroge : « Est-ce que le Conseil a véritablement changé quelque chose et s'acquitte correctement de sa fonction d'enquête sur les comportements répréhensibles ?

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