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1-10 of 2251 results
Governance matters V: governance indicators for 1999 to 2005
Washington, World Bank, 2006
Citizen-driven government performance: involving citizens in measuring government performance
Newark (N.J.), SPAA, 2006
Knowledge management for anti-corruption
Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2006
Corruption in emergency procurement
Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2006
Using report cards to promote better education policy in Latin America: PREAL's experience
Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2006
Les indicateurs de gouvernance: usages et abus
Paris, OECD, 2006
Ethics in education: the role of teacher codes
Paris, UNESCO, 2006
PETS-QSDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: a stocktaking study
Washington, World Bank, 2006
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