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1-10 of 13 results

  • Newspaper

    Des élèves roumains éduqués sur la corruption



    - Education Week

    Le lancement d'une nouvelle campagne contre la corruption en Roumanie vise les élèves qui offrent des cadeaux à leurs enseignats. Un groupe civique et le Gouvernement ont fait équipe pour produire et distribuer un guide qui explique aux élèves qu'offrir des cadeaux à leurs enseignats tels que des fleurs ou l'argent sont des « actes cachés de corruption ». A compter du mois prochain, le guide sera distribué aux élèves des écoles secondaires de Bucarest.

  • Newspaper

    Les étudiants roumains se plaignent du coût élevé des études et de frais d'inscription illégaux



    Irina Popescu - Romania Insider

    Le coût des études ne cesse d'augmenter en Roumanie depuis quelques années, d'après l'Alliance nationale des organisations d'étudiants en Roumanie (ANOSR). Beaucoup de taxes payées par les étudiants de 21 universités dans le pays sont « injustifiées, limite légales ou franchement illégales ».

  • Hidden challenges to education systems in transition economies

    This book outlines the strategy of the World Bank to guide its work with Europe and Central Asia (ECA) clients in education. In the early stages of the transition, it was felt that education could be safely ignored, because the region faced...

    Berryman, Sue E.

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • The Global corruption report 2005

    The 2005 Global Corruption Report focuses on corruption in construction and post-conflict reconstruction. It includes expert reports on: post-conflict reconstruction, with a detailed analysis of corruption in Iraq; the mechanisms of corruption in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2005

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

  • Diagnostic surveys of corruption in Romania

    Recognising the need for information on the profile of corruption, the Government of Romania requested the preparation of this diagnostic study of corruption. Based on the opinions and experiences of more than 17000 households, enterprises and public...

    Anderson, James, Cosmaciuc, Bogdan, Dininio, Phyllis, Spector, Bert, Zoido-Lobaton, Pablo

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Anti-corruption measures in South-eastern Europe. Country reviews and priorities for reform

    The Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative (SPAI), adopted in Sarajevo in February 2000, was born out of the conviction that corruption is a serious threat to the development and stability of South-eastern European countries. This publication...

    OECD. Stability pact Anti-corruption Initiative Steering Group

    Strasbourg (France), Council of Europe Publishing, 2001

  • The World Bank and Anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia

    In Europe and Central Asia, the radical shift in economic and political systems that occurred in most countries after 1990 made existing forms of corruption more visible and opened opportunities for new forms of corrupt practices. Fostering...

    Anderson, James, Photos, Ilene

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003

  • Global corruption report 2003: Special focus: access to information

    The Global corruption report is the first attempt by any organization to map the global fight against corruption. The 2003 edition focuses on the need for greater access to information in the struggle against corruption. It explores how civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2003

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