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1-10 of 31 results

  • Robbed: an investigation of corruption in Philippine education

    The Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) provides a classic case of corruption in the Philippines. Nearly all forms of corruption described in academic texts can be found in the department: from low-level bureaucratic corruption to high...

    Chua, Yvonne T.

    Quezon City (Philippines), PCIJ, 1999

  • Corruption, libéralisation, démocratisation

    La corruption est un sujet à la mode, la récente perception de sa nocivité est une nouveauté qui prend sa source dans la progression récente de la démocratisation et de la libéralisation économique. Cependant, l'affirmation d'une volonté générale de...

    Cartier Bresson, Jean


  • Combating corruption in the Philippines: an update

    The war against corruption in the Philippines has taken a fresh turn with the installation of the new government in 2001. Addressing corruption was one of the new administration ' s announced priorities, but a detailed anticorruption strategy and...

    World Bank. Philippines Country Management Unit. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (Philippines)

    Manila, World Bank, 2001

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Southeast Asia: an overview

    This article provides an overview of anti-corruption efforts in countries from Southeast Asia. Areas covered include: the influence of the economy, the nature and impact of the private sector; civil society, national effort to combat corruption as...

    Bolongaita, Emil

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2003

  • Controlling corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    The ADB/OECD Initiative's fourth regional anti-corruption conference aimed to review and discuss progress made by endorsing countries in implementing the Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific and to enhance capacity in a number of areas which have...

    Manila, ADB, 2004

  • Challenging corruption in Asia: case studies and a framework for action

    Combating corruption is now high on the policy agenda across Asia. However, many policymakers are handicapped by the lack of useful analytical tools. Why do some policies and programs work in some countries, and fail in others? What accounts for...

    Bolongaita, Emil, Bhargava, Vinay K.

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2004

  • Newspaper

    Des enquêtes de suivi des dépenses pour lutter contre la corruption 



    Dennis Arroyo - MQ7Money

    La corruption dans l'enseignement public avait atteint une telle ampleur il y a quelques années que l'on comptait en général un manuel scolaire pour 4 élèves. Aujourd'hui, plusieurs réformes ont été mises en place, et un contrôle rigoureux des manuels est assuré par des groupes de la société civile. Mais les Philippines auraient encore des choses à apprendre d'autres pays, comme l'Ouganda, où le recours à des enquêtes de suivi des dépenses publiques (ESDP) a réduit la corruption dans le secteur de l'éducation.

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