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1-10 of 51 results

  • Legal frameworks: a study of the legal framework for teacher management in three African countries, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe

    In many countries, the legal frameworks for teacher management is problematic and there is a need for debate and reform action. The study reported in this document sets out to explore existing legal frameworks in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zimbabwe and...

    Bitamazire, Geraldine, Chinery-Hesse, J., Dupigny, Albert, Gwaunza, Elizabeth, Lisk, Ida, Rodwell, Susie

    London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1996

  • Public Service Ethics in Africa. Volume 1 and 2

    The overall aim of the project is to assist African governments to introduce or upgrade policies and programmes to improve the management of ethics and conduct in their public services. The final report, which will serve decision-makers and public...

    United Nations. Department for Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Economics and Public Administration / United Nations Development Programme. Regional Bureau for Africa

    New York, United Nations, 2001

  • Anti-Corruption Toolkit

    This Anti-corruption Toolkit is based on lessons learned from the technical cooperation activities facilitated by the Global Programme against Corruption of the United Nations Office in Drugs and Crime.The toolkit provides an inventory of the...

    United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention

    Vienna, UNODCCP, 2001

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Explaining leakage of public funds

    Using panel data from a unique survey of public primary schools in Uganda, Reinikka and Svensson assess the degree of leakage of public funds in education. The survey data reveal that on average, during the period 1991-95, schools received only 13...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Svensson, Jakob

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Anticorruption strategy for DFID

    This DFID policy paper investigates the causes and effects of corruption on the development process and proposes a holistic global strategy for combating corruption involving action in a number of area. These include: supporting poorer states...

    UK. Dept for International Development

    Bergen, Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2002

  • Newspaper

    Des fonctionnaires ministériels identifient la cause des enseignants fantômes 



    Sidney Miria - All Africa

    D'après le ministère de l'Éducation et des Sports, au moins 952 enseignats sont des enseignats « fantômes » ou demeurent illégalement inscrits sur le registre du personnel. L'enquête révèle que des chefs d'établissement ont accepté de maintenir de façon illégale certains enseignats sur le registre du personnel. Sachant que le salaire mensuel d'un enseignant est de 250.000 shillings en moyenne, ce sont 238 millions de shillings que le gouvernement a versé chaque mois à des enseignats fantômes.

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