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91-100 of 100 results

  • Combating academic fraud: Towards a culture of integrity

    This book documents the importance and extent of academic fraud. It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies. Examples of measures to...

    Eckstein, Max A.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Ethique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation

    Destiné plus particulièrement aux enseignants, aux conseillers d'éducation, aux chefs d'établissement et aux inspecteurs, ce second numéro des "Cahiers d'Education & Devenir", intitulé "Éthique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation", a pour...

    Marseille (France), Education & Devenir, 2003

  • Newspaper

    Des chercheurs publient des plans anti-fraude 

    Royaume Uni


    - BBC News

    Inquiets à l'idée que des pratiques malhonnêtes ne viennent ternir la réputation de la science, des médecins et des scientifiques ont publié à l'attention des organismes nationaux des plans de lutte contre la fraude dans la recherch. Le Committee on Publication Ethics (Cope) qui s'est réuni en octobre est convenu de la nécessité d'une action concertée.

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Trust in government. Ethics measures in OECD countries

    Integrity has become the fundamental condition for governments to provide a trustworthy and effective framework for the economic and social life of their citizens. The institutions and mechanisms for promoting integrity are more and more considered...

    OECD. Public Management Committee

    Paris, OECD, 2000

  • Legislative ethics: a comparative analysis

    This paper comparatively analyses legislative ethics, focusing on: the role of the legislature in combating corruption, the need for effective ethics regime; codes of conduct; ethics rules and financial disclosure requirements; enforcement and...

    National democratic institute for international affairs (USA)

    Washington, NDI, 1999

  • Ethics in the public service. Current issues and practice

    OECD countries are concerned about declining confidence in government. This report examines how nine OECD countries namely: Australia, Finland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States, are...


    Paris, OECD, 1996

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