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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

1-10 of 501 results

  • Anti-corruption and integrity outlook 2024

    In recent years, OECD countries have strengthened their anti-corruption and integrity frameworks. However, according to OECD criteria, in key areas countries’ monitoring and implementation of integrity measures need improvement, meaning that...

    Paris, OECD, 2024

  • Corruption in service delivery: topic guide

    This topic guide explores corruption in service delivery in general terms. It serves as an introduction to three other topic guides which assess corruption risks in the health, education and water and sanitation sectors, looking at challenges...

    Transparency International, 2024

  • Secondary education in Ukraine: corruption and anti-corruption

    Secondary education in Ukraine provides students with both academic and vocational learning opportunities. However, the sector, in particular academic and financial processes, is afflicted by risks of bribery, misappropriation, favouritism and...

    Bergin, Jamie


  • Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption

    The goal of this Handbook is to map a variety of anti-corruption practices in EU Member States (MS) that have proved to be useful in solving problems related to corruption, and which can inspire similar initiatives elsewhere. For this purpose, one...

    Huss, Oksana, Beke, Mike, Wynarski, Jan, ; Slot, Brigitte

    European Commission, 2023

  • Youth attitudes towards intolerance to corruption in Lithuania

    Corruption as the challenge needs many efforts. The fight against corruption is uniting organizations at international, national and local levels. This fight requires not only changes in legal basis or institutional procedures, but rather the change...

    Toleikienė, Rita, Balčiūnas, Sagitas, Juknevičienė , Vita


  • School participatory budgeting

    he innovative civil participation tools and mechanisms are needed to bring up conscious and responsible young citizens who are actively engaged in the decision-making process, are able to influence the development of their communities, whose voice is...

    Council of Europe, 2023

  • Quality Assurance and academic integrity in higher education in India

    Massification of the higher education sector in India is accompanied by the proliferation of providers, multiplicity of regulatory bodies, and diversification of study programs. The establishment of private universities in this century has...

    Varghese, N.V.

    Cham, Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer, 2023

  • UNODC University Module series on anti-corruption

    Corruption is one of the most serious global threats of our time. It has disastrous effects on the economy and environment and is linked to a crisis of democracy and rising inequalities. Combating this complex phenomenon requires multiple and...

    Vienna , United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, 2023

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