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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

1-10 of 70 results

  • Code for the Education Profession of Hong Kong

    This document includes a preamble to the Code for the Education Profession in Hong Kong, which was adopted in 1990, the Code itself (which integrates commitment of the profession, commitment to students, to colleagues, to employers, to parents...

    Preparatory committee, professional code for educational workers


  • Ethics in the public service. Current issues and practice

    OECD countries are concerned about declining confidence in government. This report examines how nine OECD countries namely: Australia, Finland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States, are...


    Paris, OECD, 1996

  • Legal frameworks: a study of the legal framework for teacher management in three African countries, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe

    In many countries, the legal frameworks for teacher management is problematic and there is a need for debate and reform action. The study reported in this document sets out to explore existing legal frameworks in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zimbabwe and...

    Bitamazire, Geraldine, Chinery-Hesse, J., Dupigny, Albert, Gwaunza, Elizabeth, Lisk, Ida, Rodwell, Susie

    London, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1996

  • Anticorruption policy

    This paper outlines the Bank's position on anticorruption issues and recommends a number of concrete measures for establishing the Bank's anticorruption policy, whose main objective is to reduce the burden that widespread, systemic corruption exacts...

    Asian Development Bank

    Manila, ADB, 1998

  • Legislative ethics: a comparative analysis

    This paper comparatively analyses legislative ethics, focusing on: the role of the legislature in combating corruption, the need for effective ethics regime; codes of conduct; ethics rules and financial disclosure requirements; enforcement and...

    National democratic institute for international affairs (USA)

    Washington, NDI, 1999

  • Principles for managing ethics in the public service. OECD recommendation

    Increased concern about decline of confidence in government and corruption has prompted governments to review their approaches to ethical conduct. In response to this challenge, the Public Management Committee agreed to a set of Principles for...

    OECD. Public Management Service

    Paris, OECD, 2000

  • Windhoek Declaration

    This Declaration recalls resolution 50/225 of the United Nations General Assembly on "Public Administration and Development" adopted at its Resumed 50th Session, reaffirming the need to strengthen national public administrations in order to promote...

    United Nations. Economic and Social Council

    New York, United Nations, 2000

  • Bangladesh: the experience and perceptions of public officials

    This report summarizes the responses of Bangladeshi Class I (highest level) public sector officials to a survey seeking opinions on a number of civil service issues, from personnel management practices to rewards and disciplinary actions, and from...

    Mukherjee, R., Gokcekus, O., Manning, N., Landell-Mills, Pierre

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

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