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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

1-10 of 231 results

  • A guide to acting on suspicions of corruption

    Sida's Government Approval Document states that SIDA shall strive to combat corruption, particularly in connection with programmes of development cooperation. One important element in this work is to make applicable more specific guidelines and to...

    Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

    Sweden, SIDA, 2003

  • Development cooperation manual

    The Development Cooperation Manual (DCM) of the Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a quality assurance tool, which describes key principles, procedures and standard working methods in different phases of a programme cycle. The programme cycle...

    Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

    Oslo, NORAD, 2005

  • Anti-corruption and integrity in German development policy: a strategy

    The present paper highlights the central role of anti-corruption in German development policy, and supersedes the BMZ Position Paper entitled “Fighting Corruption in German Development Cooperation”, which was published in 2002. The paper is a...

    Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)

    Bonn, BMZ, 2012

  • Texts on corruption prevention

    The German Federal Government Directive concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration, dated 17 June 1998, is intended to help in the effort of combating corruption. The Directive is intended as a guideline to explain the...

    Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)

    Bonn, BMZ, 2002

  • Anticorruption strategy for DFID

    This DFID policy paper investigates the causes and effects of corruption on the development process and proposes a holistic global strategy for combating corruption involving action in a number of area. These include: supporting poorer states...

    UK. Dept for International Development

    Bergen, Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2002

  • Fighting corruption in transition economies

    These reports are a review six countries' legal and institutional framework for fighting corruption, in accordance with the framework provided by the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies, based at the OECD. The review examines: national...


    Paris, OECD, 2007

  • Corruption in Russian higher education as reflected in the media

    This paper considers corruption in higher education in Russia as reflected in the national media, including such aspects as corruption in admissions to higher education institutions and corruption in administering the newly introduced standardized...

    Osipian, Ararat L.

    Etats-Unis, Vanderbilt University, 2007

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