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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

1-10 of 31 results

  • Survey on corruption in Bangladesh

    This project consists of the first systematic opinion survey of local-level corruption led in Bangladesh, which identified the nature and extent of public concern in seven sectors, including law enforcement, the justice system, education, land...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Bangladesh, TI, 1997

  • How bad governance impedes poverty alleviation in Bangladesh

    In 1995/96, 47.5 percent of the population of Bangladesh were still living below the poverty line. This paper argues that the persistence of poverty in Bangladesh originates less in the lack of resources than in the failures of governance. These...

    Sobhan, Rehman

    Paris, OECD, 1998

  • Mobilizing civil society to fight corruption in Bangladesh

    A successful anti-corruption strategy must have a free press to voice public opinion and report cases of corruption, an effective and politically neutral mechanism to investigate and prosecute corruption, and a reliable judicial process to punish...

    Landell-Mills, Pierre

    Washington, World Bank, 1999

  • The Quality of growth

    This book is in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It is addressed to policymakers, practitioners, and others in developing as well as industrial countries. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market...

    Thomas, Vinod, Dailam, Mansoor, Dhareshwar, Ashok, Kaufmann, Daniel, Kishor, Nalin, López, Ramón, Wang, Yan

    Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press, 2000

  • Report card survey on the textbook crisis of the secondary school students

    A current crisis in the publication of textbooks for secondary school level education reflects what happens often in the education sector in Bangladesh. Only one publishing house was designated the task of publishing textbooks for the secondary...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Dhaka, Transparency International Bangladesh , 2001

  • Bangladesh: the experience and perceptions of public officials

    This report summarizes the responses of Bangladeshi Class I (highest level) public sector officials to a survey seeking opinions on a number of civil service issues, from personnel management practices to rewards and disciplinary actions, and from...

    Mukherjee, R., Gokcekus, O., Manning, N., Landell-Mills, Pierre

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Quantitative Service Delivery Survey in Education

    The goal of this study is to quantify on a nationally representative scale the extent of teacher absenteeism in Bangladesh. Unannounced visits were made to government run primary schools and government-aided but privately run secondary schools to...

    World Bank, 2003

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