Integrity of public education in Tunisia: restoring trust results of a preliminary integrity scan PRINTS of Tunisian education

Auteur(s) : OECD

Organisation : OECD

Editeur : Paris, OECD, 2013

Pages :

84 p.

Notes :

Online document / Document en ligne (English and French)

The Tunisian government is currently undertaking a self-assessment, supported by the OECD, of its legal, administrative and economic framework regarding integrity and the fight against corruption. The preliminary version of the Integrity Scan of Tunisia was presented the the Prime Minister of Tunisia by Deputy Secretary-General Richard Boucher in Tunis on 21 June 2013.

  • Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Corruption, Outils diagnostiques / Enquêtes, Développement économique et social, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration centrale, Intégrité
  • Les États arabes