Drawing the line: parental informal payments for education across Eurasia: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Slovakia, and Tajikistan

Auteur(s) : Open Society Institute

Organisation : Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute, Network of Education Policy Centers

Editeur : New York, OSI, 2010

Pages :

136 p.

Notes :

Incl. bibl.

This cross-national study assesses the character and frequency of private informal payments made by families on behalf of their children attending primary and secondary schools in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Slovakia, and Tajikistan. Since informal payments are widely accepted but rarely open to public review, all stakeholders must discuss and decide where the line between acceptable and unacceptable private payments should be drawn. The central concern is how to ensure that educational reform takes into account the real cost of education and creates an equitable system that is accessible to all. Drawing the Line: Parental Informal Payments for Education across Eurasia addresses researchers, educational professionals, community advocates, and policymakers working on education finance, anticorruption measures in education, school leadership, school governance, and parents' involvement. It was supported by the Open Society Institute Education Support Program, which facilitates and informs the pursuit of education reforms that reflect open society values.

  • Accès à l'éducation, Redevabilité, Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Corruption, Développement économique et social, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration scolaire, Finances, Gouvernance, Parents, Transparence, Personnel universitaire , Primary education, Secondary education
  • Asie et Pacifique, Europe
    Azerbaïdjan, Géorgie, Kazakhstan, Lettonie, Moldova R, Slovaquie, Tadjikistan