Transparency in education : Report card in Bangladesh. Quality Schools Programme in Mexico

Autor(es) : Karim, Shahnaz; Santizo Rodall, Claudia A.; Cabrero Mendoza, Enrique

Organización : UNESCO-IIEP, Transparency International Bangladesh

Editor : Paris, UNESCO, 2004

Paginación :

154 p.

Serie : Ethics and corruption in education

Notas :

Incl. tables, appendices and bibl. references

This book comprises two studies on successful experiences in improving transparency and accountability in the use of educational resources. The first part is on the Report Card Survey implemented in Bangladesh, which used participatory diagnosis to facilitate the location and investigation of corruption in the country's basic education system. The survey alerted public authorities to the problem and encouraged them to take the necessary measures to improve the situation. The second part is on The Quality Schools Program (QSP) in Mexico, which contributed greatly to improving transparency and accountability as well as to preventing and limiting corrupt practices in the management of educational funds, thanks to the introduction of mechanisms for social participation.

  • Rendición de cuentas, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Participación comunitaria, Control, Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Encuestas basadas en informes técnicos, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Calidad de la educación, Exámenes y diplomas, Finanzas, Honorarios escolares, Uso de los fondos , Transparencia
  • América Latina y el Caribe, Asia y Pacífico
    México, Bangladesh