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1-10 of 71 results

  • India: using open school data to improve transparency and accountability

    The number of countries providing access to school data to the general public has grown rapidly over the past decade, encouraged by the development of information technologies and under the pressure of social movements demanding the right to...

    Bordoloi, Mridusmita; Kapoor, Varun

    Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2018

  • Corruption-risk assessment of the Georgian higher education sector

    This report presents the main conclusions of a corruption-risk assessment of the higher education sector of Georgia, carried out by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) at the request of the Prime Minister’s Office of...

    Poisson, Muriel; Hallak, Jacques

    Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2018

  • How corruption destroys higher education in Ukraine

    This paper addresses the issue of corruption in higher education in Ukraine and its negative impact on universities. This paper discusses factors of external pressure on the higher education sector, which may be found in such areas as changes in...

    Osipian, Ararat L.

    Bucharest, NEC Publishing, 2018

  • Information and transparency: school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa

    The use of ‘school report cards’, in which data on schools are shared with school actors, has been expanding in sub-Saharan Africa. However, data on, and evaluations of, their efficiency in improving transparency and accountability and tackling...

    Poisson, Muriel (ed.), Thu Phuong Nguyen, Lena , Dupain, Jonathan

    Paris, UNESCO. IIEP, 2018

  • Foto de grupo del Foro Internacional sobre Políticas Educativas del IIEP, en Manila, Filipinas, 2018.

    10 maneras para promover la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en la educación


    Los datos escolares abiertos pueden fomentar la rendición de cuentas y combatir la corrupción en la educación, pero únicamente cuando se emplean con eficacia y cuando cualquier mala práctica encuentra como respuesta unas consecuencias claras. Así lo subrayaron el personal investigador y los responsables políticos que asistieron al Foro Internacional sobre Políticas Educativas en Manila, organizado por el Instituto Internacional para la Planificación Educativa de la UNESCO (IIPE-UNESCO) y el Departamento de Educación de Filipinas, cuando debatían acerca de las iniciativas de datos abiertos en todo el mundo.

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