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1-10 of 200 results

  • Corruption in Vietnamese higher education

    More than two decades have passed since Vietnam began the transition to a market economy. The policy of Doi Moi, generally translated as economic renovation, has fostered major changes in social and economic institutions and highly improved...

    Mc Cornac, Dennis C.


  • Power, discourse, ethics: a policy study of academic freedom

    In this unique study, emerging higher education leader and policy expert Kenneth D. Gariepy takes a Foucauldian genealogical approach to the study of the intellectually “free” subject through the analysis of selected academic freedom statement-events...

    Gariepy, Kenneth D.

    Sense Publishers, 2015

  • La Tricherie en milieu scolaire en Afrique: quels enjeux?

    Le problème de la crise éthique touche le monde entier. En raison de cet état, et compte tenu des missions assignées aux systèmes éducatifs dont celle qui consiste à contribuer à la formation des citoyens respectueux de l'intérêt général et du bien...

    Bipoupout, Jean Calvin

    Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015

  • Anti-corruption: implementing curriculum change in management education

    Anti-Corruption presents comprehensive anti-corruption guidelines on how to professionalize anti-corruption education around the world. Written by international business professors and deans, the book guides academic institutions in how to adopt...

    Amann, Wolfgang, Berenbeim, Ronald, Tan, Tay Keong, Kleinhempel, Matthias, Lewis, Alfred, Nieffer, Ruth, Stachowicz-Stanusch, Agata, Tripathi, Shiv

    Sheffield (UK), Greenleaf, 2015

  • Higher education corruption in Ukraine: opinions and estimates

    Corruption in Ukrainian higher education in is a proven fact. While corruption is being addressed at the admissions level by the introduction of standardized tests, more needs to be done to tackle a problem that exists all through the system. This...

    Osipian, Ararat L.

    Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, Center for International Higher Education, 2015

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