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1-10 of 2674 results

  • Survey on corruption in Bangladesh

    This project consists of the first systematic opinion survey of local-level corruption led in Bangladesh, which identified the nature and extent of public concern in seven sectors, including law enforcement, the justice system, education, land...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Bangladesh, TI, 1997

  • Good governance: the IMF's role

    The IMF has long provided advice and technical assistance that has helped to foster good governance, such as promoting public sector transparency and accountability. The Guidance Note reprinted in this pamphlet reflects the strong consensus among...

    International Monetary Fund

    Washington, D.C., IMF, 1997

  • Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 1997: l'Etat dans un monde en mutation

    Partout dans le monde, l'état est sur la sellette. Les profonds changements qu'a subis l'économie mondiale amènent à reconsidérer plusieurs questions fondamentales : qu'est-ce que l'État doit, peut et ne peut pas faire - et quelle est la meilleure...

    Chhibber, Ajay, Commander, Simon John, Evans, Alison Margaret, Fuhr, Harald L, Kane, Cheikh T, Leechor, Chad, Levy, Brian David, Pradhan, Sanjay, Weder, Beatrice Silva

    New York, Oxford University Press, 1997

  • Why worry about corruption?

    This paper focuses exclusively on corrupt public practices - illegal activities that reduce the economical efficiency of governments. It lists a number of possible causes and consequences of corruption, derived from review of recent empirical studies...

    Mauro, Paolo

    Washington, D.C., IMF, 1997

  • Corruption and good governance

    Government should promote sustainable human development in ways that reduce disparities in income, well-being, education and opportunity among all people today - while keeping the best interests of future generations in minds. This UNDP discussion...

    UNDP. Management Development and Governance Division, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support

    New York (USA), UNDP, 1997

  • Corruption and development: a review of issues

    While corruption is an ancient problem, it has had variegated incidence at different times in different places, with varying degrees to damaging consequences. While the tenacity with which it tends to persist in some cases easily leads to despair and...

    Bardhan, Pranab


  • Corruption, public investment, and growth

    Corruption, particularly political or "grand corruption", distorts the entire decision-making process connected with public investment projects. The degree of distorsions is higher with weaker auditing institutions. The evidence presented shows that...

    Tanzi, Vito, Davoodi, Hamid

    Washington, IMF, 1997

  • Corruption and integrity improvement initiatives in developing countries

    This book offers the view of eminent thinkers and practitioners on how to reduce and eventually eliminate corruption. It shows that, while helpful, democracy is by no means a cure for corruption, nor is economic liberalisation a panacea for ending...

    UNDP. Management Development and Governance Division

    New York (N.Y.), UNDP, 1998

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