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1-10 of 27 results

  • Grabbing in the education sector

    The chapter focusses on multiple forms of grabbing in the education sector of developing countries, drawing on cases and research she has engaged with while working to support developing countries' education systems. The discussion of grabbing...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Edward Elgar, 2014

  • Nepal Public Expenditure Tracking Study on primary education

    The objective of this study was to conduct a public expenditure review on the education sector, especially primary education to show the level of integration of education related expenditures into the national budget in order to provide a future...

    Nepal. National Planning Commission

    Kathmandu, National Planning Commission, 2012

  • Challenges of right to information in South Asia

    The Right to Information (RTI) Act in South Asia has seen mixed results. This latest briefing from the Protifolon series considers the challenges and varying successes of implementing RTI in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

    Institute of Informatics and Development (Bangladesh)


  • Corruption, attitudes, and education: survey evidence from Nepal

    Social norms can reduce the costs of corrupt behavior and push a society toward a high-corruption equilibrium, but what determines individual attitudes toward corruption? How does acceptance vary across different types of corrupt behavior? An...

    Truex, Rory


  • Daily lives and corruption: public opinion in South Asia

    Between 2010 and 2011, more than 7500 people were interviewed in six South Asian countries – Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka – on their views of corruption levels in their countries and their governments’ efforts to fight...

    Hardoon, Deborah; Heinrich, Finn

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2011

  • Newspaper

    El ministro de educación de Nepal destituido por acusaciones de corrupción



    - BBC News

    El ministro de Educación de Nepal, Ram Chandra Kuswaha, ha sido destituido de su puesto entre acusaciones de corrupción. Las acusaciones de soborno contra Kuswaha llevaron a la suspensión por parte de donantes internacionales de unos fondos de millones de dólares para los colegios. Él niega haber aceptado sobornos de más de 1.000 profesores que querían asegurar sus trabajos en las escuelas de su elección.

  • Newspaper

    Donantes retiran la ayuda escolar a causa de acusaciones de corrupción



    - AFP

    Donantes internacionales suspendieron el lunes millones de dólares de financiación para Nepal. Esta medida se produce tras denuncias de que el Ministro de Educación, Ram Chandra Kuswaha, está siendo investigado por un comité parlamentario debido a irregularidades financieras no reveladas. Él niega haber cometido cualquier acto de mala conducta.

  • Teacher ethics in Nepalese public schools

    Professional ethics is important in perceiving teacher identity, setting teachers' behavior pattern and developing overall institutional culture. However, in institutional as well as professional development approaches, professional ethics does not...

    Bhattarai, Prakash C.

    [Sarrebruck, Germany], LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010

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