1-10 of 81 results

  • Corruption, public investment, and growth

    Corruption, particularly political or "grand corruption", distorts the entire decision-making process connected with public investment projects. The degree of distorsions is higher with weaker auditing institutions. The evidence presented shows that...

    Tanzi, Vito, Davoodi, Hamid

    Washington, IMF, 1997

  • Cómo utilizar las encuestas para reformar el sector público

    Data that can be used to inform policy decisions are typically scarce in low-income countries, where standard policy prescriptions are less likely to apply. But if strategically designed, a survey can help induce policy change by pointing directly to...

    Reinikka, Ritva

    Washington, World Bank, 1999

  • Students: victims of corruption

    Respecting students as one of a country's most important resources is the best way a society can secure a positive and prosperous future for itself. After the war, corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina flourished in all sectors. Students reported that...

    Brodlic, Erna

    Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic, IACC Council, 2001

  • Learning the wrong lesson in Malawi's schools

    Serious fraud relating to the issuing of contracts to build schools, involving K187 million (US $2.3 million), was reported at Malawi's Ministry of Education in 2000 by the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly. Two cabinet ministers...

    Mawaya, Patrick

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2001

  • Newspaper

    Escuelas de Mbale citadas ante los tribunales acusadas de soborno



    - All Africa

    Constructores contratados para construir escuelas en el distrito de Mbale han acusado a los comités gestores de escuelas de primaria de haberles pedido sobornos a cambio de concederles los fondos pertenecientes al programa de asesoramiento de becas escolares.

  • Newspaper

    El consorcio de Nueva York pagará 1,4 millones de $ en una demanda federal por supuesto fraude

    Estados Unidos


    Will Potter - Chronicle of Higher Education

    Una corporación sin ánimo de lucro encargada de suministrar una red de ordenadores de alta velocidad a centros universitarios del estado de Nueva York ha aceptado el mes pasado pagar al gobierno federal la cantidad de 1,4 millones de $ en virtud de una demanda por supuesto uso indebido de los fondos de una subvención federal.

  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS) allow policy makers to diagnose how incentives and accountability systems are working in practice and how they can be improved. Among the results provided by PETS are estimates of leakage, data on the...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Smith, Nathanael

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

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