Out of control? Patterns of teachers corruption in Kyrgyzstan and their implications for the study of street-level corruption control in weak states

Autor(es) : Johnson, Eric M.

Editor : United States of America, Colombia University, 2008

Paginación :

261 p.

Notas :

Incl. list of acronyms, bibliographical notes and references

How best to combat coruption? Who should take action?What form should the fight take? This research contributes to a better understanding of corruption control - specifically street-level corruption in weak states - by examining teacher corruption in Kyrgyzstan. Using data collected from students and teachers in Kyrgyzstan over a seven-month period, this dissertation describes reported teacher corruption in Kyrgyzstan, assesses factors that explain differences in student reporting of it, and probes stakeholder interpretations of its impact. Descriptive findings suggest that teacher corruption is not widespread in Kyrgyzstan, and is rarely extreme. Regression results indicate that teachers of high demand subjects, those teaching academically average students, those living in less developed districts, and those living in more ethnically homogenous areas are more likely than other teachers to be reported 'highly corrupt' by their former students. These results held when a series of accountability factors were added to assess relationships between accountability and corruption. Results suggest that higher levels of formal bureaucratic control, more frequent legal sanctions, increased risk of reputation loss, more frequent teacher training, and increase oversight by co-workers and school directors are all associated with the reduced odds of a teacher being reported highly corrupt.

  • Rendición de cuentas, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Marco jurídico, Corrupción, Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Administración central, Administración escolar, Gobernabilidad, Alumnos/estudiantes, Docentes, Formación de los docentes
  • Asia y Pacífico