Eliminating world poverty: making globalisation work for the poor

Autor(es) : UK. Secretary of State for International Development

Organización : UK. Secretary of State for International Development, UK. Dept for International Development

Editor : London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 2000

Paginación :

108 p.

While progress has been made over the years in development, many challenges yet remain in order to make globalization work for the poor. This second White Paper on international development, produced by the Department for International Development (DFID), analyses the nature of globalization and sets out the UK government's agenda for managing the process in a way that could ensure that the new wealth, technology and knowledge being generated brings sustainable benefits to those living in poverty. The paper identifies a number of challenges for the future in achieving these goals. They include: building effective government systems needed to reform economic management, and reducing corruption and conflict in developing countries; establishing a stronger, more open and accountable international system, in which poor people and countries have a more effective voice.

  • Rendición de cuentas, Desarrollo de capacidades, Corrupción, Ayuda al desarrollo, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Administración central, Globalización, Gobernabilidad, Pobreza
  • Europa
    Reino Unido