Education vulnerability analysis for the E&E region: education discussion paper

Autor(es) : Tietjen, Karen

Organización : USA. Agency for International Development

Editor : Washington, D.C., USAID, 2010

Paginación :

67 p.

This study examines the educational vulnerability of the 27 countries in the Europe and Eurasia region and updates the 2005 Education Sector Discussion Paper commissioned by the E&E Bureau. Based on the most recent data available, this study measures and compares national progress in the education sector and identifies those countries whose educational systems are the most fragile, at risk, and in need of assistance. In addition, the report presents a conceptual framework for evaluating the performance of education sectors. The framework introduced in the study is structured around the Four Pillar model and serves as an analytic tool for tracking and comparing education development trends in individual countries as well as the region as a whole. Based on the point scoring system produced by the framework, this report provides a broad ranking of countries that serves as a basic overview of the degree of educational vulnerability of countries in relation to their regional peers. The study concludes that the most vulnerable education system in the region belongs to Tajikistan, while Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Poland are all noted for their lack of incidences of vulnerability. In recent years, the prevalence, type, and impact of corruption in the education sector have been under scrutiny. While no indicator of corruption was available that specifically focuses on the education sector (e.g., teacher absenteeism), an indicator measuring control of corruption has been developed. This indicator, aggregates the multiple survey responses of a large number of enterprises, citizens, organizations, and experts about their perception of the control of corruption in their particular country.

  • Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Control, Sector empresarial, Corrupción, Ausentismo , Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Docentes
  • Asia y Pacífico, Europa