
Council of Europe Call for best practices in promoting academic integrity during COVID-19

Are you a higher education institution actively working on promoting academic integrity? Have you found solutions to promote/safeguard academic integrity during COVID-19? The Council of Europe Education Department has just opened a call for best practices in promoting academic integrity in higher education institutions in Europe.

Under its new Best Practice Programme, the call focuses on solutions found to promote academic integrity during the COVID-19 crisis in the following categories:

  • Teaching and learning
  • Policy
  • Procedures
  • Communication
  • Governance/structures
  • Training

Who can apply?

Public and private higher education institutions recognised as belonging to the education system of one of the 50 States parties to the European
Cultural Convention
 as well as Student unions of those 50 States are eligible to apply.

A full description of the project, the call and the application procedure can be found here

Applications must be received before 20 August 2021 (at 23:59 CEST).

Responding to this call will give higher education institutions the opportunity to showcase and publicise their practices, bring attention to them, and maybe even inspire others. The selected cases will be published and disseminated, and an award ceremony will be organised in Strasbourg or online in late autumn 2021.

IIEP is pleased to partner with the Council of Europe on this initiative.