Corruption-risk assessment of the Georgian higher education sector

Autor(es) : Poisson, Muriel; Hallak, Jacques

Organización : UNESCO-IIEP

Editor : Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2018

Serie : Ethics and corruption in education. Impact assessment

This report presents the main conclusions of a corruption-risk assessment of the higher education sector of Georgia, carried out by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) at the request of the Prime Minister’s Office of Georgia. The assessment consisted of a desk reviewof existing documentation on Georgia’s higher education system along with in-depth interviews withthe major stakeholders in the field, from central to university level.  This report presents a detailed analysis of corruption risks in three main areas: financing, management of  academic  staff,  and dmission  and  exams.  It  concludes  with  a  list  of  recommendations  on  improving ethics, transparency, and accountability in each of these areas.

  • Rendición de cuentas, Admisión a la escuela/universidad, Corrupción, Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Diagnostico de los riesgos de corrupción, Gestión educacional, Administración central, Administración de la universidad , Ética, Exámenes y diplomas, Finanzas, Transparencia, Higher education
  • Europa