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1-10 of 46 results

  • Newspaper

    Irish higher education ‘under threat’ from global cheating industry



    Carl O’Brien - The Irish Times

    Although steps have been taken by the Irish authorities, such as the enactment of legislation penalizing essay mills, officials believe that universities need targeted funding to help protect the quality and integrity of teaching and learning. Reports show that 10% of students may have used contract cheating services and they can be difficult to detect as they can go undetected by plagiarism detection software.

  • ChatGPT: the end of online exam integrity?

    This study evaluated the ability of ChatGPT, a recently developed artificial intelligence (AI) agent, to perform high-level cognitive tasks and produce text that is indistinguishable from human-generated text. This capacity raises concerns about the...

    Susnjak, Teo


  • Méconduites académiques: exploration d’une distinction potentielle de genres

    Le biais de genre, largement investigué en sciences sur les aspects positifs tels que l’obtention de financements ou les publications, reste inexploré sur les aspects « négatifs » de la science comme les mauvaises pratiques académiques : si les...

    Sèdes, Florence, Decullier, Evelyne

    Institut de recherche et d’action sur la fraude et le plagiat académiques, 2022

  • Les Thèses de complaisance: de l’acceptabilité d’un écart à l’intégrité académique

    Nous avons mené deux études afin d’identifier pourquoi les universitaires acceptent de décerner un titre prestigieux à des travaux non conformes aux attendus. À travers des entretiens semi-directifs conduits auprès de 19 universitaires, la première...

    Magali Bringuier, Magali, Decullier, Evelyne, Malec, David, Py, Jacques

    Institut de recherche et d’action sur la fraude et le plagiat académiques, 2022

  • Breaches of integrity in teacher administration in Ghana

    The study examines one type of breaches of integrity, namely using one’s authority in public office for personal gain (Hallak J & Poisson M. Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done? 2007), in the administration of teachers in Ghana...

    Kwarteng, Joseph Tufuor


  • Building a culture of integrity in Montenegro’s higher education system


    At the invitation of the Council of Europe (CoE), IIEP organized a training workshop for members of the National Ethics Committee of Montenegro and several representatives of public and private national Higher Education institutions. The workshop, which was held at the Abbaye de Royaumont (France) from 12 to 14 September 2022, was followed by a study visit and a series of capacity-building activities carried out by the Institute in the framework of the its partnership with CoE .

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