Open contracting: an illustrative form of open government in education
Paris, IIEP-UNESCO, 2021
This site belongs to UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning
Aanu Adegun - Legit
- New Telegraph
Jeffrey Meitrodt - Star Tribune
Open government initiatives have proliferated in recent years, offering new ways to make decision-making more transparent and inclusive within society at large. IIEP-UNESCO’s upcoming Policy Forum on open government in education will provide an important platform for discussion on how to design and implement open government initiatives that can help ensure equitable and quality inclusive education for all.
"Education is perhaps the place where citizens and government have some of their closest interactions. This is the place where good governance comes alive and where trust is built or lost". -Paul Maassen, Chief, Country Support, Open Government Partnership (OGP), keynote speaker for IIEP’s Policy Forum
Julius Yao Petetsi - All Africa
Paris, IIEP-UNESCO, 2021
Bogota, Duque Botero Consultores, 2021
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