1-10 of 25 results

  • Newspaper

    Education of academy pupils harmed by trust failures, MPs warn



    Rajeev Syal - The Guardian

    The 7,500 academies in England educate nearly 4 million pupils. Thousands of pupils are being failed by a system that fails to give academy trusts proper oversight. The public accounts committee reported that governance of academy trusts must be strengthened and that the Department for Education’s oversight must be more rigorous. MPs have called for new sanctions to deter and punish malpractice after hearing that the former head of Durand Academy in south London was paid an £850,000 severance package.

  • Newspaper

    Mbarara school head teacher charged with embezzlement



    URN - The Observer

    Mbarara High School headteacher and his bursar are charged with three counts of embezzlement, causing financial loss and abuse of office. The two appeared before the Anti-Corruption court in Kampala and were accused of failing to account for Shs 207 million school money.

  • Newspaper

    Exam malpractice - the situation continues



    Eugene Enahoro - Daily Trust

    Exam malpractice is a highly organized "industry" between school proprietors, officials of the State Ministry of Education, officials of West African School Certificate examination, invigilators, machineries and the students themselves. According to a study, this is a result of poor implementation of examination rules, no fear of punishment, inadequate preparation for the exams, the disloyalty of examination body staff and students and parental threats. Many parents prefer to bribe the examiner rather than pay for extra lessons for their child, which may still not result in examination success.

  • Newspaper

    FBI is said to be investigating college admissions practices at T.M. Landry



    Katie Benner and Erica L. Green - The New York Times

    The T.M. Landry College Preparatory School in Louisiana is under federal investigation over its college admissions practices, transcripts with fake grades, non-existent school clubs and fictitious classes. Many students accused the founder of the school of abusing them and falsifying their transcripts. The court records reveal that he was accused of choking and dragging a student. In the investigation, the founder said that wall-sits and kneeling were used to motivate students and prepare them for the challenges of the real world.

  • Newspaper

    Police investigate leak of General Certificate of Secondary Education religious studies exam paper



    Sally Weale - The Guardian

    The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), which represents the seven largest qualification providers in the UK, commissioned an independent report into exam malpractice. Police are investigating an exam leak after a number of students had advance sight of part of a General Certificate of Secondary Education religious studies paper. Another A-level maths paper was offered for sale via social media. Two questions from the paper first appeared on Twitter, offering students the whole paper for £70.

  • Newspaper

    Answers leaked at the French baccalaureat: six new arrests in Paris and Marseille



    Louis Heidsieck - Le Figaro

    The Ministry of Education has made a complaint against three to four institutions in Ile-de-France regarding questions leaked. Candidates for the 2019 baccalaureate are said to have received beforehand the subjects for mathematics and physics tests through private networks. A site specialized in tips for using the calculator had also reported that math and physics subjects had leaked through its site, where candidates had converted them to be included in their calculators. An investigation for "examination fraud, breach of trust and concealment" has been launched.

  • Information and transparency: school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa


    A new publication from IIEP-UNESCO investigates the use and impact of school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa as a means to promote transparency and accountability while keeping corruption at bay.

  • Promoting integrity in the Kuwait education system through the development of teacher codes of conduct


    In February this year, Muriel Poisson, IIEP programme Specialist in charge of the Institute’s project on ‘Ethics and Corruption in Education, travelled to Kuwait City to facilitate a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education system: Focus on teacher codes of conduct”.

  • Newspaper

    Chinese high school students lose student registration overnight, revealing education system corruption



    Olivia Li - The Epoch Times

    Fenglan School violated regulations and used false advertising to enroll more students than its legal capacity. 400 students were found to be “missing” in the local student registration system. According to a student, the school asked them to sign an agreement saying that students would take the standardized exam as a local teenage resident not associated with the school. As a result, the students would not obtain graduation nor take the college admission exam. Some private schools would also bribe local education officials in order to obtain student registration for these unqualified students.

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