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Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education
IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.
Open government in education: learning from cities
For The IIEP-UNESCO Letter, Muriel Poisson discusses new research that focuses on learning from cities worldwide on how to promote open government in education.
Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in Bangladesh
This case study compares the design and implementation of two major open school data initiatives in Bangladesh, namely the government-led open school data programme developed by the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), and Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) report cards. As a citizen-led initiative, the TIB strives to empower parents of students in selected public primary schools through useful school data published in leaflets, information boards and desks, interactive discussions at mothers’ gatherings, and meetings with authorities.
Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in Punjab, Pakistan
This case study compares the design and implementation of two major open school data initiatives in Punjab, Pakistan. It looks at the school report cards developed under the Programme Monitoring and Implementation Unit (PMIU), which is government-led and the largest, most comprehensive data-collection platform in the country. It also looks at the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) programme, which is a household-based, citizen-led initiative that focuses primarily on rural areas
Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in the Philippines
This case study examines two recent government-led initiatives, the School Report Card (SRC) and Transparency Board (TB) schemes, and a citizen-led initiative called CheckMySchool (CMS).
Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in Indonesia
The purpose of this case study is to compare and contrast two recent initiatives, Sekolah Kita and Cek Sekolahku, both of which were developed within the last five years.
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