1-10 of 15 results

  • Integrity in Higher Education


    A group of officials from Montenegro embarked on a study visit to learn from Geneva’s experience in promoting integrity in higher education.

  • Strengthen integrity and combat corruption in higher education


    A group of officials from Kosovo* participated in a study visit to learn from Switzerland’s experience in promoting integrity in higher education.

  • Newspaper

    Tighten noose around corruption: NCCE



    Francis Ameyibor - Ghana News Agency

    The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) on Wednesday called for major transformation towards the fight against corruption, saying the noose around corruption must be tightened through pragmatic actions. “The NCCE is therefore raising up the fight against corruption through relentless intensive public and civic education towards changing our attitude, inject public accountability and personal responsibility across the country to help promote good governance”.

  • IIEP participates in the Annual International Conference for Integrity (CAII) held in Peru


    At the invitation of the Comptroller General’s Office of the Republic of Peru, IIEP participated in the 2018 Annual International Conference for Integrity (CAII) held in Lima, Peru, from 6 to 7 December 2018. This annual event seeks to "create a space for discussion about different government oversight mechanisms and their latest developments around the world”.

  • Newspaper

    New project aims to educate school children, young adults on issue of corruption



    Salifa Karapetyan - Seychelles News Agency

    Educating school children and young adults on the subject of corruption on the Seychelles’ three main islands is the aim of a joint project between Transparency Initiative Seychelles (TIS) and the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS). Other than educating students and pupils, key activities under the project consist of revising the existing Anti-Corruption Act, reinforcing the capacity of the Transparency Initiatives Seychelles and to improve the latter’s advocacy through technical assistance and equipment.

  • Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education


    IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.

  • Newspaper

    Govt launches crackdown on academic fraud



    Nokuthaba Nkomo - Nehanda Radio

    Counterfeiting or purchasing of downright forged certificates, diplomas and degrees are some of the crudest forms of academic fraud in Zimbabwe. Experts say the employment of individuals with bogus credentials can be a public relations fiasco for both private companies and government. According to the Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) spokesperson, the examinations body has been working with employers nationwide to verify academic credentials, uncovering a shocking number of workers with forged school and college certificates.

  • Newspaper

    Introduce anti-corruption education in school



    Bernama - The Edge Markets

    The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) has suggested that the Ministry of Education (MoE) introduce anti-corruption education under religious and moral education subjects. The senior vice-chairman stressed that ‘’the most appropriate and effective way to prevent corruption is to start with the schools as it could help bring up a young generation of Malaysians who hate and reject corruption in all forms”. A study of students in 2016 showed that 16% of the respondents from local universities are willing to accept bribes and 18.5% would accept a bribe if they did not have to face any action.

  • Newspaper

    Fight against corruption ; the president of the Central Inspectorate announces ‘’ exceptional measures”



    - L’Orient Le Jour

    Lebanon ranks 143rd out of 180 countries in the world in 2017 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index. The President of the Central Inspectorate states that the Ministry of Education has "reduced teachers' working hours" and is carrying out recruitments, "which are not necessary”. He announced unexpected visits to public administrations in 2019 as part of the fight against corruption in order to introduce a tool to monitor recruitment.

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