1-10 of 23 results

  • Newspaper

    Scandals put teaching of economics in the dock



    Maria Elena Hurtado - University world news

    The spate of financial scandals that are rocking Chile have stirred a wholesome debate in the country on the importance of ethics in the teaching of economics. The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile’s economics and administration faculty has been under the spotlight since three of its former students, previously hailed as 'star students', were prosecuted and jailed for a week pending trial for tax fraud and other financial crimes

  • Newspaper

    Kenya: TSC to enforce code of ethics



    Musembi Nsenga - Allafrica

    The Teachers Service Commission is putting in place water-tight measures to enforce performance by teachers and ensure they do not violate professional code of ethics. TSC chairman said teachers will be made to sign the teachers’ code of ethics. The teachers will be required to meet specific targets to ensure they perform to expectations.

  • Newspaper

    An admissions scandal shows how administrators’ ethics ‘fade’



    Peter Schmidt - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    A doctoral student in higher education at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, conducted a sociological research about corruption in higher education. Based on his examination of the 2009 Illinois admissions scandal, which centered on the university’s use of a separate, hidden admissions process to ease the entry of applicants with ties to politicians, donors, and university officials, his paper concludes that administrative misconduct frequently is "an organizational problem that demands organizational solutions."

  • Newspaper

    New ethical approach to combat widespread corruption in education


    Snežana Samardžić-Marković - NewEurope

    Following Transparency International’s latest Global Corruption Report on education, the Council of Europe is taking action to tackle corruption in education and to develop a Pan-European culture based on ethical principles: our new Ethics in Education Platform (ETINED) is to be launched on October 1 in Prague.

  • Plagiarism in academics: examining the issues, incidence and intent

    Plagiarism defies a conclusive definition. Whereas the law-makers of the land have indirectly touched upon the issue while discussing Copyright infringements, a go-to legal definition of plagiarism per se continues to elude us. As a result, legal...

    Mishra, Preeti Vivek

    National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2015

  • Live and work with integrity. You can do it!

    This textbook presents integrity in all its forms with both theoretical and practical material to help you understand the importance of acting with integrity.

    Integrity Action


  • Power, discourse, ethics: a policy study of academic freedom

    In this unique study, emerging higher education leader and policy expert Kenneth D. Gariepy takes a Foucauldian genealogical approach to the study of the intellectually “free” subject through the analysis of selected academic freedom statement-events...

    Gariepy, Kenneth D.

    Sense Publishers, 2015

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