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1-10 of 401 results

  • Newspaper

    Essay mills: 'Contract cheating' to be made illegal in England



    - BBC News

    According to the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, there are over 1,000 essay mills in operation in UK universities. The government announced that offering essay-writing services to students for a fee will become a criminal offence under plans to tackle cheating. Universities welcomed this decision and introduced codes of conduct with severe penalties for submitting work that is not a student's own.

  • The future in the making: auditing the education sector

    Tytti Yli-Viikari

    1 comment

  • Newspaper

    Minister stripped of PhD title acquired through ‘deceit’



    Michael Gardener - University World News

    The thesis of the former German minister for family affairs was found to contain nearly 70 passages violating good academic practice. The Free University of Berlin required the minister to return the PhD certificate within one month after notification of the withdrawal of the degree, acquired through “deceit regarding independent academic achievement”.

  • Promoting Higher Education integrity: Montenegro adopts its Ethics Charter


    Having been one of the first countries in Europe to enact a law on academic integrity, Montenegro has now adopted an Ethics Charter to further protect and promote academic integrity in higher education. This initiative, supported by the Council of Europe, benefited from IIEP-UNESCO’s technical expertise.

  • Newspaper

    Concerns over false claims of links to German universities

    Germany, Korea DPR


    Deutsche Welle - University World News

    On the English version of its website, Kim Il Sung University has listed past, current and alleged partnerships with “sister universities” and claims, “international academic exchanges are in full swing”. Many of the named universities disagree and do not want to be associated with North Korea. They try to have their names removed from the website, but so far the University has failed to respond to their requests.

  • Video

    Open School Platform in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine




    This webinar presents the main findings of IIEP-UNESCO's case study on open budget in Ukraine. The study forms part of IIEP's ongoing research on "Open government: Learning from experience". It looks at how open budgeting is used in Ukraine, focusing on the Open School Platform (OS) – an innovative online open budget website developed by a Ukrainian civil society organization. 

  • Council of Europe's Call for best practices in promoting academic integrity during COVID-19


    Are you a higher education institution actively working on promoting academic integrity? Have you found solutions to promote/safeguard academic integrity during COVID-19? The Council of Europe Education Department has just opened a call for best practices in promoting academic integrity in higher education institutions in Europe.

  • Newspaper

    Remote cheating leads to ‘corona degrees’ in Greece



    Sakis Mitrolidis/AFP - Study International

    Examination standards are virtually impossible to reinforce in a distance-learning environment where hundreds of students are simultaneously online. The Dean of the University of Crete’s literature department reports that it is easy for students to Google exam answers even under the eye of supervisors on camera. A 20- year-old student said that one of her friends gave 100 euros to a teacher to sit for her math exam. Similarly, a 20-year-old psychology student took exams on behalf of 2 of her friends and nobody realized.

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