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1-10 of 10 results

  • Newspaper

    Students swindled and stranded

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt


    David Jardine - University World News

    A scandal involving 49 students who sought places in an Egypt's prestigious university has been revealed. Instead of enrolling in the promised university, the students ended up in Malaysia where 15 were discovered doing odd jobs to support themselves. Moreover in what may be a bureaucratic cross-proposes the Indonesia's Ministry of national education is not in charge of verifying the student's process because is the Ministry of religious affaires the one responsible for students who apply to Islamic Universities abroad.

  • Newspaper

    Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina Offers Masters and PhDs Unlawfully



    - Observatorio de la Universidad Colombiana

    A master's in education and a PhD in culture and education in Latin America that do not meet the legal requirements were advertised by a university foundation in Bogotá. Furthermore, the programmes, delivered under an agreement with a Chilean university, were not registered with Colombia's education ministry.

  • Newspaper

    Chinese Students Buy Degrees: French universities concerned



    - AFP

    The alleged peddling of diplomas to Chinese students has puzzled the universities implicated, which are now concerned over the effect of aspersions on the international renown of French tertiary training. Two inquiries – one judicial and one administrative – were opened up following complaints alleging that deals were done in which Chinese students were awarded diplomas in exchange for large amounts of money.

  • Newspaper

    Large-Scale Trafficking of Degrees Uncovered at University



    Yves Bordenave - Le Monde

    Several hundred Chinese students enrolled at the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) at Toulon University, are thought to have bought their degrees. The preliminary inquiry begun on 26 March into "bribery, bribe-taking, and fraud" is investigating practices thought to have started four years ago.

  • Newspaper

    Double- and joint-degree programs: double benefits or double counting?


    Jane Knight - Boston College

    The so called –double, multiple, tri-national, joint, integrated, collaborative, combined current, consecutive, overlapping, conjoint, parallel, simultaneous programs have an important role in the institutions' internationalization strategy. These degrees can be understood as a natural extension of mobility and exchange, but also can be perceive as a troublesome development leading to a double counting of academic work and the thin edge of academic fraud.

  • Newspaper

    Forged transcripts and fake essays: How unscrupulous agents get Chinese students into US schools

    China, USA


    Justin Bergman - Time

    Although Chinese students have been going to America to study for decades, their numbers have grown dramatically in the past few years. Many of them have only a basic knowledge of foreign universities and difficulty making sense of complicated applications. As a result, a huge industry of education agents has arisen in the country to help guide them — and, in some cases, to do whatever it takes to ensure that they are accepted.

  • Newspaper

    College's foreign programme puts credentials "at risk"



    James Wood - Calgary Herald

    Alberta's auditor-general says Medicine Hat College's international education division has been an out-of-control programme that has put the college at "reputational, legal and financial risk". The Auditor-Generals report released last Tuesday shows a record of irregular contracts, questionable expenses and dubious academic standards for the C$1.7-million programme, which focuses on attracting foreign students from multiple countries, and works in partnership with three Chinese institutions, to offer courses overseas for Chinese students who can then transfer to Medicine Hat College.

  • Newspaper

    In international student recruitment, questions on integrity persist



    Karin Fischer - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    The agent debate is dead. Long live the integrity debate. For some time now, the discussion about whether American colleges could use commission-based agents when recruiting students abroad has been the hottest of hot-button issues in international admissions, with each camp staking out fiercely partisan positions.

  • Newspaper

    Fake diploma mills proliferate in the world



    Marie-Estelle Puech - Le Figaro

    Another case of “fake diplomas” was discovered at the University of Lyon. The commercialization of fake diplomas is exploding, whether in Chinese or Anglo-Saxon universities or on the Web where anything can be bought. After Toulon in 2009, where Chinese students of the University Institute of Business Administration had purchased their diplomas, in Lyon this year the University is suspected of having granted degrees in communication to dozens of West Indians students who had never set foot in the city.

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