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1-10 of 1252 results

  • Newspaper

    Ethiopia: Universities urged to produce ethical graduates and avoid corruption



    - Addis Standard

    The second university ethics and good governance movement summit has kicked off yesterday in Jimma University. Federal ethics and anti-corruption commission Head said universities should pay equal attention to producing ethical graduates as much as training competent ones. The Head added major construction projects at universities, bids on purchases, student canteen services, etc. should be based on accountability and transparency.

  • Newspaper

    Liberia: Education Minister vows to enforce code of conduct



    Calvin Brooks - Allafrica

    Le Ministre de l’éducation promet de mettre en vigueur le code de conduite
    L’ancien Ministre de l’éducation a assuré de l’application du Code de conduite des enseignants et des administrateurs des écoles. Il a insisté sur le fait que le Code de conduite ne sera pas appliqué que pendant une semaine puis rangé sur une étagère, comme tant d’autres politiques du gouvernement toujours en attente d’application.

  • Newspaper

    Controversy over higher education links with industry



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A warning by German anti-corruption organisation Transparency International that links between higher education and business are becoming increasingly obscure has sparked an open debate. "We are observing corporate interests increasingly dominating teaching and research to a large extent,” said Director of Transparency International Germany.

  • Newspaper

    End of term examination: When ghost students perform better



    Yaboa Ndula Muntech - Allafrica

    Most secondary school authorities handed over the first term report cards to their students with various remarks. Those who attended classes regularly and worked hard during the term had good averages while others who played games and occupied drinking spots during school hours brought home fake report cards to impress their parents. The "ghost" students were last Friday seen in cyber cafés scanning and modifying their reports cards.

  • Newspaper

    ICPC targets universities in anti-corruption fight



    Damilol Oyedele - All Africa

    Abuja — The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) has targeted Nigerian Universities as part of preventive measures in the long term strategy of the anti-corruption fight. The commission plans to engage management and staff of tertiary institutions to work to imbibe a culture of transparency and accountability in the overall interest of the country.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption's effects on education in Pakistan



    Ahmed Ashfaque - Transparency International

    The recent Pakistani Nobel Peace Prize should remind people that there are more children out of school in Pakistan (5.5 million) than any country in the world except Nigeria. But because of corruption, merely investing in the Pakistani education system is not sufficient; rigorous monitoring and the creation of an accountable system are needed to make the system fairer and functional.

  • Newspaper

    An Online portal to report corruption cases launched in Tirana



    - UNDP

    A National Forum on the fight against corruption was organized in Tirana today bringing together cabinet ministers, international organizations, civil servants, civil society and media.The Government of Albania considers transparency and accountability, the cornerstone of the fight against corruption and it is committed to put its fight within the context of modernizing public services delivery.

  • Video

    Public Expenditure Tracking Survey



    ANSA-EAP -

    The video explains how Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) are conducted and highlights a few challenges in their implementation. A PETS aims to track the use of public money, from its disbursement to its utilization. The video takes the example of the public education budget to illustrate PETS.

  • Video

    Social accountability



    ANSA-EAP -

    Social accountability is described as the constructive engagement between citizens and the government's utilization of public resources to improve service delivery, promote rights, and enhance community welfare. In that way, constructive engagement could be citizen monitoring, which aims to track government actions.

  • Newspaper

    Macedonia Students Reject Deal on Extra Exams

    North Macedonia


    Sinisa Jakov Marusic - Balkan Insight

    Insisting that the government must scrap its plan for graduates to take external, state-supervised exams, protesting students have rejected the Education Ministry's proposed compromise. Macedonian students who last week staged a mass protest against plans for "external testing" have rejected the latest concessions of the Education Minister.

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