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1-10 of 55 results

  • Open budgets, transform lives: the Open Budget Survey 2008

    The Open Budget Survey 2008, a comprehensive evaluation of budget transparency in 85 countries, finds that the state of budget transparency around the world is deplorable. This encourages inappropriate, wasteful, and corrupt spending and-because it...

    International Budget Partnership

    Washington, D.C., International Budget Partnership, 2008

  • Transparency International Annual Report

    Transparency international (TI) is a global movement sharing one vision: a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. In the year 2012, the 20 th anniversary of its foundation in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2012

  • Information and transparency: school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa


    A new publication from IIEP-UNESCO investigates the use and impact of school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa as a means to promote transparency and accountability while keeping corruption at bay.

  • Porte Alegre

    Open government in education: learning from cities


    For The IIEP-UNESCO Letter, Muriel Poisson discusses new research that focuses on learning from cities worldwide on how to promote open government in education.

  • Open government in education

    Basic page

    As part of its 2018-2021 Medium-Term Strategy, the IIEP has launched a new research project to explore the emerging movement towards open government and its potential to improve transparency and accountability in the education sector.

  • Open Government Partnership Global Report: democracy beyond the ballot box

    Open Government Partnership (OGP) releases its first comprehensive assessment of the state of open government. This report provides a thorough and honest review of progress made by OGP member countries in the first seven years of the partnership. In...

    Washington, D.C., Open Government Partnership, 2019

  • Redefining citizen-government boundaries: open government in education


    Citizen participation has become an integral part of national and international anti-corruption programmes.

  • Open government in Indonesia

    A talk with IIEP researcher: Muriel Poisson on open government in education


    The latest addition to IIEP’s series on Ethics and Corruption in Education is here! The new book, prepared under the guidance of Muriel Poisson, IIEP Programme Specialist, is the first in a new research project on open government in education. The book combines an in-depth conceptual overview with an initial analysis of projects already in place worldwide.

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