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1-10 of 189 results

  • Newspaper

    Science and fraud, guilty connection



    Pierre Le Hir - Le Monde / Direct matin

    The ministry of Higher education and research entrusted to the national Centre of scientific research (CNRS) a mission on scientific integrity. Scientific fraud is varied: biased manufacturing or forgery of results, biased interpretation or selection of data, alteration of curves or images, plagiarism, theft of ideas, financial profit-sharing's ... The increasing pressure which practices on the researchers (among which the career and the credits depend strictly on the quantity of articles and on produced results) tend to multiply the fraudulent practices.

  • Newspaper

    The whiff of plagiarism again hits German elite



    Christopher F. Schuetze - New York Times

    Weeks after Germany's defense minister was forced to resign in a plagiarism scandal, three German universities say they are investigating similar complaints about the academic work of three figures from the country's political sphere.

  • Newspaper

    Why a Code for Teachers Now?



    - Economic and Political Weekly

    The National Council for Teacher Education has drafted a professional code for school teachers that aims to restore "dignity and integrity" to the vocation of teaching. Everyone would agree that the vocation needs more respect than it receives now, but enforcing ethics must come after and not before dealing with the many and deep-rooted ills that plague school education in the country.

  • Newspaper

    World heart research expert fired



    Jan Petter Myklebust - University World News

    A world-renowned expert on the reduction of risks involved in heart surgery has been dismissed from Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, after violation of academic integrity. In one study it was found that he used patient data without permission, used fictitious data, and that two reports were submitted to conferences which included knowingly unreliable data.

  • Newspaper

    Training for scholarly integrity



    Stuart Heiser - University World News

    This was the second annual Strategic Leaders Global Summit sponsored by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS). Last year's meeting in Banff in Canada resulted in the "Banff Principles" to broadly guide international collaboration in graduate education; this year's summit focused on "best practices" specific to promoting scholarly integrity. Leaders in higher education agreed on issues and actions that have to lead to strengthen scholarly integrity because of the growing globalization of graduate education and research, and discussed on "best practices" to promote scholarly integrity.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity lost on students



    - The Omega

    Different rules in different countries often make it harder for international students to understand what is and what isn't allowed. While a student may understand plagiarism, it can be difficult for them to grasp the concept of cheating.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism Prevention Without Fear



    Scott Jaschik - Inside Higher Ed

    Could student plagiarism actually be reduced? And could it be reduced not through fear of being caught, but through... education? The evidence in a study released earlier in January suggests that the answer to both questions is 'yes' - which could be welcome news to academics who constantly complain about students who either don't know what plagiarism is or do not follow the rules about the integrity of assignments.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity framework on the way



    - Bernama News agency

    An academic integrity framework will be introduced by the Higher Education Ministry to strengthen the integrity of academics, particularly lecturers, reports the national news agency Bernama.

  • Newspaper

    Flood drowns out fake degrees scandal



    Zofeen T Ebrahim - University World News

    As Pakistan's Election Commission began its first hearings into parliamentarians' fake degrees last week some feared the scandal had been pushed out of the limelight by the devastating floods. Nonetheless, the degree debacle is straining the credibility of the country's higher education and election systems.

  • Newspaper

    New code to promote academic honesty


    Yojana Sharma - University Word News

    New international guidelines and a voluntary code on research integrity are being drawn up as a result of consultations at the Second World Conference on Scientific Integrity held in Singapore in July. The initiative is intended to combat rising incidences of scientific fraud, plagiarism and other research falsification and serve as a "guide for professionally responsible research practices throughout the world".

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