141-145 of 145 results

  • Corruption: the issues

    This paper sets out a framework within which the problem of corruption may be analysed in any specific country. Firstly, it considers the investigation of the determinants of corruption, emphasising the environment in which corruption evolves - and...

    Goudie, Andrew W., Stasavage, David

    Paris, OECD, 1997

  • Good governance: the IMF's role

    The IMF has long provided advice and technical assistance that has helped to foster good governance, such as promoting public sector transparency and accountability. The Guidance Note reprinted in this pamphlet reflects the strong consensus among...

    International Monetary Fund

    Washington, D.C., IMF, 1997

  • Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 1997: l'Etat dans un monde en mutation

    Partout dans le monde, l'état est sur la sellette. Les profonds changements qu'a subis l'économie mondiale amènent à reconsidérer plusieurs questions fondamentales : qu'est-ce que l'État doit, peut et ne peut pas faire - et quelle est la meilleure...

    Chhibber, Ajay, Commander, Simon John, Evans, Alison Margaret, Fuhr, Harald L, Kane, Cheikh T, Leechor, Chad, Levy, Brian David, Pradhan, Sanjay, Weder, Beatrice Silva

    New York, Oxford University Press, 1997

  • Ethics in the public service. Current issues and practice

    OECD countries are concerned about declining confidence in government. This report examines how nine OECD countries namely: Australia, Finland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States, are...


    Paris, OECD, 1996

  • Corruption in a changing world: comparisons, theories and control strategies

    Recent studies have shown that one of the most important and effective ways to ensure that public servants act ethically is through education. Although education alone does not guarantee ethical behaviour, it eliminates some of the more obvious...

    Berlinsky, Uzy, Friedberg, Asher, Werner, Simcha

    Jerusalem, Chen Press (Moshe), 1994

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