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1-10 of 428 results

  • Newspaper

    Bauchi poly expels 162 students over exam fraud, cultism



    - This Day

    The federal polytechnic has expelled 162 students for examination malpractice, cultism and poor academic performance, in the 2004-2005 session. The students were expelled for their involvement in examination misconduct during examinations.

  • Newspaper

    NECO and exam cheats



    - Daily Champion

    The chief executive of the National Examinations Council (NECO) has authorised the council's officers to accept bribes if offered by desperate students or their parents. The measure is to save lives of NECO personnel subjected to frequent and deadly attacks by persons desperate to pass their Senior Secondary Certificate Examination by all means. In the last two years, NECO officials had been splashed with acid.

  • Newspaper

    Exam malpractices: Benueleads – report



    Kola Ologbondiyan - This Day

    Exam Ethics Project has declared Benue State as the highest in national Examination Malpractices Index (EMI), ranking for the year 2005. Federal Capital Territory emerged as the most exam ethics-friendly state with the lowest EMI of 0.43, while Benue State had an EMI of 18.87. The report for 2005 Exam Year indicates that the EMI for all the regions was 6.9 against 16.9 for 2004. This means that examination fraud reduced by 59 per cent between 2004 and 2005.

  • Newspaper

    Teachers demand payments from parents

    Sierra Leone


    Santigie Kamara - Freetown

    A large number of parents have expressed their dissatisfaction over the way teachers are demanding money for the release of end-of-year results to their children. Parents are now calling on the minister of education to do something towards the extra charges in primary and secondary schools in order to up hold the free education scheme for all.

  • Newspaper

    College of business studies issues fake results for US$2,000

    Sierra Leone


    Saidu Kamara - Standard Times

    According to a report, directors of the College of Business Studies are embroiled in a syndicate involving fake college transcripts. The college officials provide fake results and transcripts for people intending to travel overseas on the pretext of going for further studies for a fee that some allege is no less than US$2,000.

  • Newspaper

    73 teachers sacked over qualifications



    Robert Mwanje - The Monitor

    MPIGI district has dismissed over 73 primary school head teachers over incompetence and lack of proper academic qualifications. About 50 schools were given new head teachers. Over 100 teachers were examined. The exercise was part of the district's primary schools re-organisation programme aimed at improving education standards.

  • Newspaper

    One in three students cheats, survey finds



    Debbie Andalo - The Guardian

    One-third of students admit to cheating at university by copying ideas from books or the internet according to a survey. Based on 1,022 undergraduates at 119 universities and colleges, the study found that one in six students admitted they copied work from friends while 10% said they looked for essays online. Male students were more likely to copy work from their friends (21%) than female students (14%), the study revealed.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism 'rife' at Oxford'



    Alexandra Smith - The Guardian

    Plagiarism could threaten the value of a degree from Oxford University as students increasingly copy large slabs of work from the internet and submit it as their own, the university warns. Many of the plagiarism cases that were referred to the proctor's office involved international students whose first language was not English.

  • Newspaper

    Myth: schools need more money'



    John Stossel - Freerepublic

    According to Stossel there is a financial corruption going on in American schools. He claims that there is a myth that the education system needs more money. US spend more on schooling than the vast majority of countries that obtain better results in the international tests. But the bureaucrats still blame school failure on lack of funds, and demand more money.

  • Newspaper

    UNE student "cheats" could lose degrees, visas



    Jennifer Macey - The World Today

    Students from the University of New England may have their degrees stripped from them if they're found guilty of cheating, and may also lose their Australian residency visa. The university has checked more than 200 master projects and found that a significant proportion of fee-paying foreign students had been involved in plagiarism.

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