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1-10 of 24 results

  • Newspaper

    Cheating widespread on Afghanistan exams



    Daniel Del Castillo - Chronicle of HE

    Results for university admission exams are cancelles for more than 6,000 students from Kabul and its region; the answers had been revealed and corruption affected the exam process.

  • Preventing corruption in humanitarian assistance

    This report describes research on the problem of corruption in humanitarian assistance, carried out in 2007 and 2008 by the Feinstein International Center of Tufts University (FIC) in collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the...

    Maxwell, Daniel, Walker, Peter, Church, Cheyanne, Harvey, Paul, Savage, Kevin, Bailey, Sarah, Hees, Roslyn, Ahlendorf, Marie Luise

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2008

  • Education and fragility in Afghanistan: a situational analysis

    Aghanistan has been called "the quintessential fragile state". Education actors face formidable challenges. But change is possible. The education sector has witnessed enormous growth since the ousting of the Taliban from Kabul in 2001. The Ministry...

    Sigsgaard, Morten

    Paris, UNESCO, 2009

  • Newspaper

    Millions for textbooks bogged down in Afghanistan



    Heidi Vogt - Rawa News

    As a result of corruption and bureaucracy, millions of new books promised and paid by donors in 2008 were never delivered. About a third of them are still waiting to be distributed to the provinces and lots of the textbooks ordered were so poorly made that they may not last a second year.

  • Newspaper

    The Wrongs Caused by Corruption in Education



    Tao Ruogu - CCTV

    Afghanistan must now confront a problem in education: the lack of text books. Millions of new books pledged and paid for by donors have not been delivered due to corruption and bureaucratic snags. According to figures that emerged from the interviews of officials from 34 Afghan provinces, about one third of the textbooks ordered last year never reached their destination. Currently, learners have no other option than to illegally copy books that are available for purchase.

  • Fighting corruption in post-conflict and recovery situations: learning from the past

    Based on empirical research in 5 countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste), the "Fighting Corruption in Post Conflict and Recovery Situations: Learning from the Past" report explores the dynamics...

    UNDP. Democratic Governance Group. Bureau for Development Policy

    New York, UNDP, 2010

  • Newspaper

    UN Afghanistan survey points to huge scale of bribery



    - BBC News

    Afghans paid $2.5bn (£1.5bn) in bribes over the past 12 months, or the equivalent of almost one quarter of legitimate GDP, a UN report suggests. Surveying 7,600 people, it found nearly 60% more concerned about corruption than insecurity or unemployment. More than half the population had to pay at least one bribe to a public official last year.

  • Building integrity in fragile contexts

    How can donors balance anti-corruption goals with the need to promote stability in fragile and conflict-affected states? What can be learned from the Performance Based Governance Fund in Afghanistan? This brief highlights the emergence of context...

    Marquette, Heather

    Birmingham (UK), University of Birmingham, International Development Department, IDD, 2012

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