1-10 of 27 results

  • Newspaper

    Minister orders greater university transparency

    Viet Nam


    - University World News

    All universities in Vietnam must publish their financial accounts and information about educational standards on their websites by 15 April, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education and Training told a conference in Hanoi this month.

  • Newspaper

    Continued crackdown on foreign-linked institutions

    Viet Nam


    Francis Yu - University World News

    The Vietnamese government has continued a crackdown on unauthorized foreign-linked institutions operating in the country by blacklisting another seven colleges. The move follows the closure and fining of a number of foreign-affiliated institutions in the past six months.

  • Newspaper

    Very good on paper

    Viet Nam


    - The Economist

    In a recent survey the organization [Transparency International] found that 49% of Vietnamese respondents perceived their education sector to be "corrupt" or "highly corrupt". Corruption is plainly evident at elite Vietnamese schools. Yet it also exists on a smaller scale, in subtler forms...

  • Newspaper

    Vietnam to teach anti-corruption courses in high school

    Viet Nam


    - Tuoitr Enews

    The nation will make the battle against corruption part of the high school curriculum in the 2013-14 academic year, starting in September, after it was piloted for three years in accordance with a government decision issued in late 2009.

  • Newspaper

    Students hire impersonators to sit in English exams

    Viet Nam


    - vietnam.net

    With more universities and offices requiring English qualifications from graduates, students are turning to hiring other people to sit their English exams. The police in HCM City's Thu Duc District are investigating a case in which 34 students at the HCM City University of Agriculture and Forestry hired impersonators for their English exams. Last year, 10 impersonators were uncovered. Meanwhile, universities which require students take TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS tests as English graduation exams have received a number of fake certificates.

  • Newspaper

    Government urged to follow money trail

    Viet Nam


    - Viet Nam News

    A member of the Association of Việt Nam’s Universities and Colleges, spoke about the fight against corruption in higher education. The professor questioned how Government officials’ can afford to send their children to study abroad, suggesting greater transparency is needed regarding their assets. He also condemns the practice of giving scholarships to children of high high-ranking Government officials who have not excelled academically, citing it as a sign of corruption.

  • Corruption in Vietnamese higher education

    More than two decades have passed since Vietnam began the transition to a market economy. The policy of Doi Moi, generally translated as economic renovation, has fostered major changes in social and economic institutions and highly improved...

    Mc Cornac, Dennis C.


  • Curbing corruption in public procurement in Asia and the Pacific

    Corruption in public procurement has become a major issue in the Asia-Pacific region as elsewhere in the world. As a result of corruption, private mansions are being built instead of bridges; swimming pools are dug instead of irrigation systems...

    Asian Development Bank, OECD

    Manila, ADB, 2007

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