1-6 of 6 results

  • Newspaper

    Sunnyvale university CEO indicted on visa fraud charges



    Lisa M. Krieger and Molly Vorwerck - Mercury News

    Striking a blow at a Silicon Valley school that attracted foreigners with student visas, federal agents raided Sunnyvale's Herguan University and charged its CEO with visa fraud. The charges come a year after an investigation found Herguan was among a group of Bay Area schools that misrepresented information on federal applications, which allowed them to sponsor overseas students for coveted visas.

  • Higher education, corruption and reform

    Educational corruption is problem in every country, particularly at the college and university level. With illustrations drawn from the United States, this article considers what "basic principles" should shape efforts to deter, expose, and penalize...

    Johnson, Vincent


  • Newspaper

    For-profit college group sued as U.S. lays out wide fraud



    Tamar Lewin - The New York Times

    The Department of Justice and four states filed a multibillion-dollar fraud suit against the Education Management Corporation, the nation's second-largest for-profit college company, charging that it was not eligible for the $11 billion in state and federal financial aid it had received from July 2003 through June 2011.

  • Newspaper

    Fears of more fraudulent universities in US

    India, USA


    Nikhila Henry - Times of India

    The allegedly tainted Tri-Valley University might not be the only US educational institution to indulge in immigration fraud. Overseas education consultants from Andhra Pradesh who have details of educational institutions in the US note that more universities have been violating immigration rules while admitting students.

  • Diploma and accreditation mills: exposing academic credential abuse

    This report published by Verifile Limited in January 2010 exposes a multi-billion dollar international fake diploma fraud. Alarmingly, the US was found to be the world's fake college capital. The Report indicates that 810 diploma mills have already...

    Ben Cohen, Eyal, Winch, Rachel

    Bedford, Verifile Limited, 2011

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