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1-10 of 30 results

  • Newspaper

    ADB blacklists 37 companies for corruption



    Boris Demidov - Asian Development Bank

    Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) has blacklisted 37 companies from dealings with it for up to 10 years for violating the bank's anti-corruption code. The bank does not disclose the identities of those it debars. It banned 34 firms for one to seven years and three firms for 10 years from competing for ADB contracts. Fourteen individuals were banned indefinitely and 17 for periods ranging from one to seven years.

  • Newspaper

    Teaching kids young in fighting corruption



    - Bayanihan

    The Department of Education has organized a campaign to urged parents of public and private school students to join the government in its fight against corruption. The department has launched a new Graft and Corruption Prevention Education Teaching Exemplars (GCPETE) which will be used by public school teachers to integrate anti-graft and corruption lessons in values education for elementary and schools.

  • Newspaper

    Expenditure tracking surveys can fight corruption



    Dennis Arroyo - MQ7Money

    Hace unos años, la corrupción en la educación pública era tan acusada que la ratio era de un libro de texto por cada cuatro niños. Hoy en día se están llevando a cabo varias reformas y agrupaciones municipales está siguiendo muy de cerca los manuales escolares.

  • Curbing corruption in public procurement in Asia and the Pacific

    Corruption in public procurement has become a major issue in the Asia-Pacific region as elsewhere in the world. As a result of corruption, private mansions are being built instead of bridges; swimming pools are dug instead of irrigation systems...

    Asian Development Bank, OECD

    Manila, ADB, 2007

  • Controlling corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    The ADB/OECD Initiative's fourth regional anti-corruption conference aimed to review and discuss progress made by endorsing countries in implementing the Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific and to enhance capacity in a number of areas which have...

    Manila, ADB, 2004

  • Grabbing in the education sector

    The chapter focusses on multiple forms of grabbing in the education sector of developing countries, drawing on cases and research she has engaged with while working to support developing countries' education systems. The discussion of grabbing...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Edward Elgar, 2014

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Challenging corruption in Asia: case studies and a framework for action

    Combating corruption is now high on the policy agenda across Asia. However, many policymakers are handicapped by the lack of useful analytical tools. Why do some policies and programs work in some countries, and fail in others? What accounts for...

    Bolongaita, Emil, Bhargava, Vinay K.

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2004

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