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1-10 of 16 results

  • Newspaper

    Education bill to improve safety and accountability in New Zealand

    New Zealand


    Chris Carter - United Nations Public Administration Network

    The Education Amendment Bill proposes the creation of an information matching programme which will allow the identification of teachers who are teaching without a current practicing certificate or authorization. In addition the Bill provides greater clarity to school boards of trustees on their roles, and increases flexibility around timing of board elections, the establishment of boards and alternative board constitutions.

  • Newspaper

    U. of New Zealand comes under attack

    New Zealand


    David Cohen - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    The president of New Zealand's largest postsecondary institution defended it last month against politicians who have accused it of widespread corruption. It is also suggested that the university is home to nepotism and fraudulent accounting.

  • Newspaper

    Uni cheats don't prosper

    New Zealand


    - The New Zealand Helard

    Cheating is up more than 20 per cent at the country's biggest university. It have been identified 201 cases last year, compared to 166 in 2007, although the student roll remained steady at 38,550. Using cell phones, sneaking unauthorized notes and material, with unpermitted calculators, dictionaries and electronic devices and writing answers before exams started are some of the new and old methods for cheating.

  • Newspaper

    600 Otago University students disciplined

    New Zealand


    Alison Rudd - Otago Daily Times

    More than 600 University of Otago students were disciplined last year for criminal or disorderly behaviour and dishonesty. Their offending included electronically altering exam results, falsifying documents, plagiarism, stealing other students' work or possessions, setting couches on fire, assault, trespass, wilful damage and offensive behaviour.

  • Newspaper

    Police investigate 'cheating' service for university students

    New Zealand


    - ONE News

    Police and education authorities are investigating allegations of mass cheating by international students at tertiary institutes throughout the country. The man who reported the issues alleged that he was contracted to write assignments for students at various universities who could not meet language standards.

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

  • Progress in the fight against corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    This book assembles the papers presented during the joint ADB/OECD Conference on Combating Corruption in the Asian and Pacific region, held in Seoul, Korea in December 2000.The Seoul conference identified priorities for a successful fight against...

    Asian Development Bank

    Manila, ADB, 2001

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