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1-10 of 18 results

  • Windhoek Declaration

    This Declaration recalls resolution 50/225 of the United Nations General Assembly on "Public Administration and Development" adopted at its Resumed 50th Session, reaffirming the need to strengthen national public administrations in order to promote...

    United Nations. Economic and Social Council

    New York, United Nations, 2000

  • Public Service Ethics in Africa. Volume 1 and 2

    The overall aim of the project is to assist African governments to introduce or upgrade policies and programmes to improve the management of ethics and conduct in their public services. The final report, which will serve decision-makers and public...

    United Nations. Department for Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Economics and Public Administration / United Nations Development Programme. Regional Bureau for Africa

    New York, United Nations, 2001

  • Newspaper

    Namcol undergoes quality audit



    Engel Nawatiseb Tsumeb - New Era

    The Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning recently conducted its first external quality assurance audit on the Namibian College of Open Learning (Namcol) to determine whether the latter's system and procedures are in line with international best practices. The goal is to improve accountability and the promotion of high quality programme delivery.

  • Newspaper

    School head capitulates to audit directive



    Emma Kakololo - New Era

    A secondary school head teacher has finally allowed internal auditors from the regional education office to audit schoolbooks where money is reported to have gone missing. Apart from being barred from the school, the auditors were also threatened with legal action by the head teacher.

  • Newspaper

    Ministry to probe rotting school food



    Lindsay Dentlinger - The Namibian

    The Ministry of Education is to launch an investigation into rotting maize meal for its school feeding programme found at a school. 500 bags of maize meal had been stored at a secondary school and not delivered to the intended beneficiaries. The company Meal Management Services holds the contract for the supply and delivery of food to primary schools in six regions.

  • Newspaper

    Government on rack over education



    Lindsay Dentlinger - The Namibian

    The education ministry has failed to take action against teachers and other education officers identified as guilty of misconduct by various investigations and commissions over the years. Affairs between schoolgirls and teachers, and schools misusing equipment given to them to improve the quality of education are among the countless problems that had emerged from investigations.

  • Newspaper

    Learners stuck after exam fees abused



    - New Era

    Fifteen of the 80 students enrolled with the Namibia College of Open Learning will not write their end of year exams after a teacher allegedly misappropriated their examination fees. It is suspected he used the money to settle personal accounts. The students will not be able to sit their exams this year as the fraud was discovered too late.

  • Newspaper

    Doctors and teachers cited in "quiet corruption"



    Catherine Sasman - New Era

    A report from the World Bank, "Africa Development Indicators 2010", has concluded that "quiet corruption" faced by common citizens is undermining the continent's development efforts and adversely affects inflows of investments.

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