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Promoting academic integrity in Higher Education: IRAFPA's work in Montenegro
The Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia (IRAFPA*) has become a reference institution in the area of scientific integrity. This is due to the relevance of its operational methodology, its success as both a mediator and in providing individualised support, as well as its institutional certification programme.
Integrity in Higher Education
A group of officials from Montenegro embarked on a study visit to learn from Geneva’s experience in promoting integrity in higher education.
Report Conference "Academic integrity – Achievements and future perspective for Montenegro”
Council of Europe, 2018
Baseline assessment of integrity in higher education in Montenegro
Council of Europe, 2017
Innovated action plan for fight against corruption in education for period 2010-2012
Podgorica, Ministry of Education, 2010
Policy for fighting against corruption in education: effects of the current and recommendations for passing the new policies
Podgorica (Montenegro), CEMI, 2010
Corruption in education, a vigorous debate in Montenegro
- FreeMalasia
MANS Presented the Third Report on Corruption
Mreza za Afirmaciju Nevladinog Sektora - Oneworld net
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