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1-10 of 38 results

  • Newspaper

    Another minister faces plagiarism claims



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    Yet another senior German politician is the focus of questions about his doctoral thesis. Lower Saxony's Minister of Cultural Affairs is alleged to have quoted incorrectly several sources in his dissertation, creating the impression that he originated more of the content than was actually the case.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism MEP loses second post



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A member of the European Parliament has bowed to pressure from Germany's major higher education and research organisations and stepped down from her new post in the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, following plagiarism accusations.

  • Newspaper

    The whiff of plagiarism again hits German elite



    Christopher F. Schuetze - New York Times

    Weeks after Germany's defense minister was forced to resign in a plagiarism scandal, three German universities say they are investigating similar complaints about the academic work of three figures from the country's political sphere.

  • Newspaper

    Academics support plagiarism whistleblower petition



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    More than 600 academics in Germany have signed a petition demanding that cases of plagiarism and data manipulation be settled in discourses at subject level. The campaign is critical of a move by the German Rectors' Conference to have such issues treated confidentially in university committ

  • Newspaper

    Politician stumbles over lost test papers



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A leading North Rhine-Westphalian politician has been caught up in a scandal over a botched-up seminar test. The Christian Democrat failed to observe correct procedures for test papers as a visiting lecturer at RWTH Aachen University.

  • Newspaper

    Controversy over higher education links with industry



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    A warning by German anti-corruption organisation Transparency International that links between higher education and business are becoming increasingly obscure has sparked an open debate. "We are observing corporate interests increasingly dominating teaching and research to a large extent,” said Director of Transparency International Germany.

  • Newspaper

    Education minister stripped of doctoral title



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    The University of Düsseldorf has withdrawn the doctoral title of Germany's Minister of Education and Research, claiming that she lifted material for her thesis. While the Minister is seeking to contest the university's verdict, the opposition in parliament has called for her resignation. A Bonn academic and law expert has claimed that the case may have damaged higher education as a whole in Germany.

  • Newspaper

    German Defence Minister denies plagiarism



    - BBC News

    The German Defence Minister has denied claims she plagiarised parts of her doctoral thesis after a crowd-sourced plagiarism hunting website claimed to have found "elements of plagiarism" on 27 of the 62 pages of her 1990 dissertation.

  • Newspaper

    Universities want transparency in links with industry



    Michael Gardner - University World News

    German university heads have welcomed proposals by the Stifterverband – a network of foundations, businesses and individuals supporting the country’s higher education and research – for improved transparency in collaborations between universities and industry. The recommendations, issued in mid-April, stress the “responsibility of universities, as autonomous institutions, to regularly and appropriately inform the public about their collaborative projects with industry”.

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