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Open government in education: school management committees in Sub-Saharan Africa
This study demonstrates the coexistence of a liberal approach, by opening up school governance to the community and a more regulated approach enabling a balance between the players. It highlights difficulties in coordinating school management committees (SMCs) with parents' associations, the lack of expertise of their members, the absence of representation of the most disadvantaged and a lack of accountability of the SMCs themselves.
School Management Committees: A Move Towards Open Government in Education in India
This study focuses on the effectiveness of school management committees (SMCs) – a form of community participation – in initiating transparency, ushering in citizen engagement and building accountability in education in India.
A selection of ETICO Tools
The ETICO platform makes available a number of tools and resources developed by IIEP to assist the Member States in the fight against corruption. IIEP’s experts are also available to assist countries in the implementation or adaptation of these tools.
What we do
Fighting corrupt practices in the education sector enables governments to strengthen their educational systems: a precondition for the attainment of SDG4.
School Management Committees: A Move Towards Open Government in Education in India
This study focuses on the effectiveness of school management committees (SMCs) – a form of community participation – in initiating transparency, ushering in citizen engagement and building accountability in education in India.
Open government in education: Learning from social audits in India
This case study looks at the first social audit of education undertaken in India, under the aegis of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR). It was conducted as a pilot project across ten Indian states.
Discovering ETICO
The ETICO portal is an IIEP-UNESCO web-based platform that provides tools, information and resources to policymakers and education stakeholders who are looking to address the issue of corruption in the education sector and create more ethical societies by promoting transparency and accountability.
Open Contracting: The School Meals Programme in Bogotá, Colombia
This case study examines the open contracting model used to implement the School Meals Programme (SMP) in the Capital District of Bogotá, Colombia. It analyses how this model made it possible for stakeholders to understand and monitor procurement processes by providing direct, real time access to all the necessary information.
Open Government: local consultation structures in the municipalities of Sahanivotry and Masindray, Madagascar
This study focuses on the local consultation structures (LCS) implemented in Madagascar at the municipal level. Each SLC is composed of community leaders, the municipal council, decentralized technical services, economic operators, civil society organizations, local dignitaries and traditional chiefs, local political parties and organizations, associations of women, youth, and vulnerable groups, as well as existing consultation bodies.
Open budgeting: Learning from the Open School Platform in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
This case study looks at how open budgeting is used in Ukraine, focusing on the Open School Platform (OS) – an innovative online open budget website developed in 2016 by Fund UNION, a Ukrainian civil society organization. OS facilitates interaction and enables transparent communication between key education stakeholders, including local public authorities, schools, and parents. The study assesses how this open government approach is being applied to resolve the issue of non‐transparent school financing which undermines trust in educational planning.
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