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IIEP launches its first online international anti-corruption course
Following a decade of research on corruption in education, IIEP is launching its first distance course on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education”.
International anti-corruption day
Corrupt practices, such as the misappropriation of educational funds or asking for illegal school fees, can cause significant financial losses to a country’s education budget and represent an unbearable burden for the world’s poorest. Improving transparency and accountability and introducing anti-corruption measures is therefore of utmost importance to improve access, equity and efficiency in the education sector.
New distance course on transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education
Following a decade of research on corruption in education, IIEP is launching its second distance course on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education”.
ETICO Bulletin
Following the publication of the inaugural issue this week, the ETICO Bulletin will be published three times a year. This e-newsletter is designed to keep educational decision-makers, planners, experts, researchers and development partners informed about recent developments in the area of ethics and corruption in education.
Anti-Corruption Summit 2016
On 12 May 2016, the UK hosted the first International Anti-Corruption Summit, bringing together government leaders, and representatives from businesses and civil society to discuss strategies for tackling corruption.
Keeping the promises of cross-border higher education by fighting corruption risks
With cross-border education more than tripling in the last thirty years, the diverse range of opportunities to study abroad (e.g. e-higher education, campuses abroad, franchised courses, etc.) are on the rise, and with them opportunities for corruption.
10 ways to promote transparency and accountability in education
Open school data can foster accountability and combat corruption in education, but only when it is used effectively and any malpractice is addressed with clear consequence. Researchers and national policy-makers attending an International Policy Forum in Manila, organized by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and the Department of Education in the Philippines, underscored this as they discussed open data initiatives from around the world.
Promoting accountability through information: how open school data can help
Six case studies from Asia and the Pacific look at how open school data can create a more transparent and accountable education system.
Open government in education: learning from cities
For The IIEP-UNESCO Letter, Muriel Poisson discusses new research that focuses on learning from cities worldwide on how to promote open government in education.
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