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Promoting accountability through information: how open school data can help
Six case studies from Asia and the Pacific look at how open school data can create a more transparent and accountable education system.
10 ways to promote transparency and accountability in education
Open school data can foster accountability and combat corruption in education, but only when it is used effectively and any malpractice is addressed with clear consequence. Researchers and national policy-makers attending an International Policy Forum in Manila, organized by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and the Department of Education in the Philippines, underscored this as they discussed open data initiatives from around the world.
International Policy Forum puts the spotlight on using open school data to combat corruption
The IIEP International Policy Forum in Manila organized with the Department of Education in the Philippines looked at Using Open School Data to Improve Transparency and Accountability in Education.
Mainstreaming a culture of integrity for youth in the Asia Pacific region
From 15 to 17 November 2017, IIEP participated in the Ninth Regional Conference of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific, which took place in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
New IIEP publication explores using school report cards to improve transparency
IIEP is pleased to announce its latest publication Promoting Transparency through Information: A Global Review of School Report Cards by Xuejiao Joy Cheng and Kurt Moses from FHI 360.
Transparency International School on integrity 2016
From 4 to 10 July 2016, Transparency International (TI) organised its 7th annual School on Integrity in Vilnius, Lithuania. 120 young activists and future leaders from over 60 countries exchanged their experiences in the fight against corruption and participated in the anti-corruption and accountability training.
Youth against corruption: the Council of Europe seeks IIEP's expertise
In early June, Muriel Poisson from IIEP advised the Council of Europe’s Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media on measures to engage youth in the detection of corruption and the enforcement of anti-corruption initiatives.
IIEP brings its expertise to the 16th IACC
Together with heads of state, international organizations, civil society and the private sector, IIEP will take part in the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference from 2-4 September in Malaysia.
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