Chinese students and academics exchange on how to free education systems from corruption
At the invitation of the Communication University of China (CUC), IIEP delivered a series of lectures on fighting corruption in education on the CUC campus in Beijing, and participated in a forum on academic integrity attended by 100 Chinese universities.
Lao PDR writes its teachers' code of conduct
Lao People’s Democratic Republic moved quickly on the development of a national code of conduct for its eight categories of teachers. Launched in mid-2012, the project now enters its final stage: a draft code is ready to be sent for comments to relevant stakeholders, and will then be piloted in a few schools, before being finalized in 2013.
Integrity and transparency in education in Bangladesh
Representatives from the education and health sectors, and donor agencies working in both sectors in Bangladesh, expressed genuine determination to address corruption at the three-day workshop on Strengthening integrity and transparency in the education and health sectors in Bangladesh, held in Savar, Bangladesh from 31 March to 2 April 2014.
Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education
IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.
Combating corruption in higher education in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has undertaken significant legal and institutional reforms to combat corruption in recent years. Among these, is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-5729 "On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on May 27, 2019.
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