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Combating corruption in higher education in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has undertaken significant legal and institutional reforms to combat corruption in recent years. Among these, is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-5729 "On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on May 27, 2019.
New online course on transparency and anti-corruption
IIEP will organize a new online course on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education” from 21 September to 6 November 2020.
Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education
IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.
Promoting accountability through information: how open school data can help
Six case studies from Asia and the Pacific look at how open school data can create a more transparent and accountable education system.
Corruption-risk assessment of the Georgian higher education sector
Following a corruption-risk assessment, IIEP-UNESCO publishes a set of recommendations to improve the financing, management, and admissions of Georgia's higher education sector.
How to develop successful codes of ethics for higher education institutions?
IIEP meets young professionals from Georgia, Germany, Moldova and Ukraine at the University Duisburg Essen
Keeping the promises of cross-border higher education by fighting corruption risks
With cross-border education more than tripling in the last thirty years, the diverse range of opportunities to study abroad (e.g. e-higher education, campuses abroad, franchised courses, etc.) are on the rise, and with them opportunities for corruption.
Expert meeting on quality assurance, accreditation and academic corruption
The Council for Higher Education Accreditation/International Quality Group (CHEA/CIQG) and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hosted a two-day expert meeting to address quality assurance, accreditation and the role they play in combatting academic corruption.
IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity
The IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity (Paris, 18-20 March 2015) brought together nearly 60 higher education experts and stakeholders from around the world to discuss recent and innovative initiatives aimed at improving transparency and reducing opportunities for fraud or corruption at the university level.
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